Body Chemistry
A few weeks ago I started chemotherapy again for the second
time, the first being in 2015 when I underwent twelve rounds to treat
pancreatic cancer. It went about as I expected. During the 48 hours of
infusions and the following two days, I felt heavily drugged and crushingly
fatigued, and my stomach churned with nausea and diarrhea. I spent most of five
days in bed. Since the fifth day I have gradually gotten better, though my
energy level is still low and I continue to have stomach discomfort. I feel
pretty good now, nine days since the infusions ended, so I was recovered enough
to do it all again the following Monday. But chemotherapy certainly hasn’t
gotten any easier this second time around.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the chemicals in our bodies
this week, and coincidentally I read a couple of interesting articles that
further stimulated my thoughts. I was trying to put all of it together into a
coherent essay, but I’ve decided to not worry about coherency and just start writing.
About three days into chemo I started taking OxyContin
again. I took Oxy throughout chemotherapy in my year of pancreatic cancer; the pancreatic
tumors gave me a unique searing pain in my upper abdomen, and Oxy really helped
with that as well as simply making me feel better. I found pretty quickly that
if I missed a dose, not only was the pain more troubling, but also I felt
headachy, lethargic and depressed. In other words, I became dependent on the
drug pretty quickly. Back in 2015 I was concerned about how I would get off of
it when the time came, but at that point I was a lot more focused on other
things like whether I would be alive long enough to care. Eventually I was
taking 30 milligrams a day, a relatively small dose. And about a month after
surgery in the winter 2016, I was able to stop taking Oxy without too much
difficulty, I just dealt with a few days of sleeping poorly and feeling
This time around I am not having any cancer-related pain,
but I was feeling really drained and depressed
last week and experiencing the queasiness and cramping in my gut, so I
tried Oxy anyway. I immediately felt much better; the gut clenching and nausea
stopped, and I felt more alert and vital. So I’ve continued to take it, and it
really helps, and I can feel the difference when it wears off. I still worry
about becoming addicted, but let me tell you, when you feel lousy and depressed
and you know there is a little white pill upstairs on the night table that will
fix it, you don’t second guess for very long.
One of the things I noticed the first time I went through
chemo was that the chemicals suppressed my testosterone, and I observed several
interesting effects. Of course, I also thought I might be dying, so it’s not very
clear what was causing what. But, I saw that I became a lot more emotional; I
felt more affection toward the people around me and my world. I also felt more
sadness, and I reacted more to events in the world. I stopped watching movies
and TV shows, they affected me more and I couldn’t stop the images from
flooding my brain. I also became more passive and agreeable, I couldn’t stand
any sort of conflict. With my new passivity, I remember thinking on many
occasions, why can’t we all just get along; there is so much to be grateful
for, what is there to fight about?
As I have written before, the year of cancer was emotionally
overwhelming. I go back and read my blogs and it brings me to tears still.
After surgery in January of 2016 I went through a period of
depression, which I learned is almost a given after what I had gone through, so
I tried taking Zoloft for a while to address it. I didn’t like it, I thought it
made me duller and less energetic and it didn’t seem to help with my
depression. My anti-depressants made me more depressed. I stopped after a few
Gradually I felt better, though I have still never regained
the vitality of my old life. (Maybe being 60 has something to do with it too?)
But by the time a year had rolled around, when I had fully recovered and stopped
taking all of the narcotics, I also found that I was becoming more aggressive
again. I became more competitive and argumentative; I found that I was getting
more worked up at my daughter’s soccer games, and bickering more with my
family. I could actually observe my personality changing.
One of the models that I have constructed over my life by
which I try to make sense of human behavior is that I see men as always being
in a state of balance between our competitive side and our belonging side. On the
competitive side we are aggressive, driven creatures who are always trying to
gain the upper hand on our peers and rivals; on the belonging side, we are
loving, caring beings who are devoted to our families and friends and would
even stake our lives to protect them. It
seems apparent that both sides have been necessary to support survival and
growth of the human species; we are aggressive so that we can meet our desires
to attract the most suitable mate and to grow and protect our families; and we
are also social and cooperative so we can harness the power of tribes and
communities and live together in harmony. I have come to see it as a yin-yang
between wanting to love our brothers but still establish dominance over them.
It is why we can go out on the rugby field and bash our heads together until
the blood runs streaming down our necks, then go to a bar afterwards and stand
on the tables, and sing together until the cops arrive (a most memorable day I
experienced that helped me put the finishing touches on this model.) I’m sure
it’s also why, among other things, women find us incomprehensible.
As for women, I believe they also have some of this yin-yang
between competitiveness and caring, but perhaps less so than men. I don’t feel
as confident in my model when it comes to women; I don’t really understand how
women think and I never have and never will.
None of these ideas are new or surprising or original; I’m
sure I’ve cobbled the together from a variety of sources. But it is a model
that is very useful for me when I try to understand why we men do the things we
One of the glib comments I make when I am describing this
model to friends is that just about every bad thing that has ever happened to
me has come from my competitive side, and just about every good thing has come
from my cooperative side. True? I don’t know, but I have been thinking about it
a lot. What if all the rotten stuff men do, cheating and fighting and raping
and plundering and warring, all come from that competitive side and our need to
be the alpha male? What if we could do away with it?
We seem to worship it in our culture. I remember thinking as
a teenager, near the end of the hippie period, that we had moved on to an era
when men had learned that being more “manly” was not the answer, that we were
learning to make love, not war. That we had entered an era of enlightenment, where
men would communicate more honestly and freely, and treat women as equals, and
nurture living things instead of destroying them. Sadly, it seems to me that we
instead moved in the opposite direction. Manhood today seems to be about body-building
and six-pack abs and in-your-face tattoos, and buzz cuts. Not to mention that
acquiring wealth and displaying it proudly has never been more in style. It’s
pretty clear to me that the culture turned away from ideals of The Great
Awakening of the 60’s, that today is all about becoming stronger, meaner, and
more ruthless; and loving your brother is for wimps.
I’m sure there are many men who would hear my views with
disgust: just more evidence of the pussification of America. I’m sure they
would say it was the will of men that tamed the planet and shaped it to our needs.
Where would society be without testosterone and the drive to be the alpha? Who
would build things and innovate and create a culture of production and
consumption? By God, we are men, this is our birthright! We build this world,
with its great technology and its indulgences and the opportunities to satisfy
our animal desires. Without men and our lust for greatness, what kind of world
would it be?
What kind, indeed, I wonder. I am very concerned about the
future of human beings on planet Earth. I believe the challenges that loom
ahead of us are daunting: climate change, overpopulation and resource
shortages, the threat of nuclear confrontation, the possibility of untreatable
diseases and pandemics. All of these are, at their roots, driven by the animal
instincts of men, for more power, more wealth, more indulgences, and more trophies
of status. Our culture sneers at the notion of living in harmony with our
environment; we believe we are too smart to be held back by the mere constraints
of nature and that we can always innovate our way out of any problems we create
along the way. And so we grow and consume at an ever more voracious rate, with
world population nearing 8 billion, soon to be 10, soon to be 12 or 15 billion
people, without a thought that this planet simply cannot support that many
human beings. I am so concerned about the future for our children, and indeed,
our entire species.
I didn’t really intend to go off on a rant about the end of
civilization. This piece is supposed to be about how we are all really just big
sacks of chemicals, and though we think we are creatures of free will and
thought, changing that mix can change who we are. As I write this I am in now
in the later stage of my two week chemo cycle; my stomach is churning like a
garbage disposal full of gravel, I have a persistent throbbing headache, and
when I close my eyes I feel like I’m on a gently rolling lake. Chemo-state reminds
me most of one of those really special hangovers that come from mixing all three
of the major alcohol groups, which I guess is fitting since chemotherapy is just
another type of chemical poisoning, in my case with four different powerful
drugs. I’m a very different person during chemotherapy: passive, jittery,
depressed, and very anxious. If someone so much as raises his or her voice
around me it throws me into a tailspin.
Perhaps the most difficult part of it all is the depression.
The chemicals seem to have been formulated to produce a constant, penetrating
state of depression. My chemo mind is hyperactive, and the thoughts that keep churning
are sadness, worthlessness, frustration, regret, fear - a whole cornucopia of
desperation. I know these thoughts are not “real”, that they are drug-induced
and not responses to outside stimuli, so I feel like I should be able to will
my way through them, to accept that this is just what the drugs do. But they
are persistent, vicious little buggers.
When I was young and foolish I experimented with
recreational drugs, including one I choose not to name. My first experience
with it was an awesome, enlightening ride; I reached a state where I suddenly
knew that human beings were truly beautiful and that I felt love for us all. I
could see that most, if not all of us, had shielded our inner beauty under shells
of cynicism and mistrust; but I could also see that we all have the capacity to
shed those shells and express our inner perfection. I felt that we had a common
connection, that we had evolved from a core organism that had shared it’s
essence with us all. Of course I did eventually come down and I resumed seeing the
people around me as I had always seen them before, but the most wonderful and
profound thing was that I remembered
what it felt like to see them as holy and beautiful. And I have never forgotten
to this day that we are all essentially beautiful creatures who have the
capacity for pure love and perfection, despite the shells that we build up
around us.
Since then I have read many articles about this type of drug,
and the accounts from people who have tried them seem to be overwhelmingly
positive. So many of them report reaching a similar state of bliss, of it being
one of the greatest experiences of their lives. Their accounts seem very
similar to mine, that they felt an outpouring of love and a sense of oneness
with people and the earth. More recently, I’ve read of research that shows these
drugs have been very effective at treating profound depression and
post-traumatic stress syndrome. These chemicals seem to have extraordinary
potential for good.
I don’t know what else to say about that. We live in a
culture where taking the drug I described is a federal crime, even smoking a
joint is still illegal in most places. But drinking alcohol is heavily
promoted, and opiates are so easily available that millions of Americans have crippling
addictions. So we Americans don’t have an aversion to taking drugs, we just choose
the ones that cause ruinous addiction and generate enormous profits over the
ones that produce serenity and bliss. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if
we just put the stuff in the water, wouldn’t that be an interesting experiment?
Of course the most important way in which we acquire the
chemicals in our bodies is by the foods we eat. I’m sure that most everyone
understands now our food is less nutritious and full of lots more questionable
stuff than the more natural plants and animals that our ancestors ate. In light
of that, I was impressed and uplifted by this article about how The Netherlands
is at the forefront of efforts to improve farm productivity and improve the
quality of their output:
It’s nice that we are reaching widespread awareness about the importance of
eating better, but efforts like these are still very few and far-between.
And, shortly after I read that one, I came upon this
depressing piece about a new scourge that is impacting the nutritional value of
our crops:
Just one more effect of climate change that millions of Trump-supporting
Americans can dismiss as a libtard plot to enrich those money-grubbing
scientists (and Al Gore).
Finally, there was this disturbing article about the decline
of insect populations in Germany:
It doesn’t really fit with my theme of chemicals, but it is peripheral to a
couple other things I touched on. And it does seem to be pretty important.
So that is my rambling piece on chemistry. I do wonder if we
could change the world if we could somehow reformulate ourselves to be more
caring, loving creatures. But I suspect that most people would think I’ve lost
my mind. It’s quite likely that I have.
"It brings me to tears, still." Me too.